How can we help you?

FMOxCELERATE is an innovative delivery method for Capacity Development. Therefore, the service differs from traditional Technical Assistance. Below, please find answers to the most frequently asked questions about how FMOxCELERATE works.


1. What is included in the FMOxCELERATE package?

FMOxCELERATE is an execution-oriented approach in which you can experiment with new technologies and innovations to develop new customer centric services and products. Part of the package is:

  • Entrepreneur in Residence - FMOxCELERATE will match you with and pay for an experienced innovation specialist who will act as a hands-on mentor and supports your team with execution and implementation.
  • Experts on call - you will get access to a network of experts from FMO, partners and peers. Subjects covered range from legal to green finance to FinTech and Human Rights. Having access to this network allows you to tap into niche expertise at any given time while working on your challenge.
  • An active community of peers - FMOxCELERATE will link you to other like-minded institutions that are trying to tackle similar challenges. This allows you to share experiences and learn from each other (also see question 7).

2. What is the profile of an entrepreneur in residence?

The profile of an entrepreneur in residence is "T-Shaped", with a broad range of skills, that has one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Someone who can help your institution ideate and quickly prioritize solutions for a problem (facilitator)
  • Someone who has effectively managed to coach the development, testing and fine tuning of a minimum viable product or proof of concept (product-market fit profile)
  • Entrepreneur who has started or successfully co-founded a business
  • Someone who has skin in the game experience with product management
  • Someone who has effectively leveraged data to support scalability (architect & data expert profile)

3. Will I be able to choose the entrepreneur in residence?

A selection panel comprised of FMO and Aimforthemoon will go through the community of entrepreneurs to select those that match best with your organization's needs. FMO and Aimforthemoon will then introduce the best entrepreneurs to you, after which you can make the final selection.

4. Why are entrepreneurs in residence staying for 3 months?

The FMOxCELERATE service is modelled upon successful proven acceleration models, as used by Y-Combinator, Rockstart and Start-up Bootcamp. This format ensures that there is enough time to dive deep into the underlying challenges, but is sufficiently high-pressure to necessitate fast learning and experimentation with solutions. In the three months, the entrepreneur in residence will go through a SCAN, TEST and BUILD phase, eventually delivering a prototype of the first version of the solution that will be launched.

5. What type of challenges can best be solved through FMOxCELERATE?

In general, these are challenges that have a large innovation element, where you have a broad understanding of WHAT you would like to solve, but not HOW to do this. Examples could be the development of a new (digital) product or service.

6. What will FMOxCELERATE cost me?

You are expected to cover the travel and accommodation costs of the entrepreneur in residence, including the visa costs. In addition, we ask you to commit internal human resources throughout the three months. The entrepreneur in residence will work together with a dedicated team from your organization.

7. What can a virtual team member bring me?

FMOxCELERATE believes in learning from your peers. Who better to understand your challenges than your counterpart from a different country or region? FMOxCELERATE therefore enables your organization to connect with like-minded institutions that are working on similar challenges. Virtually interacting with peers at set times can bring new perspectives and help your challenge move forward. At the end of your FMOxCELERATE journey, you may be eligible for a physical FMOxCHANGE to continue the peer-to-peer knowledge exchange in person.

Let’s accelerate