Empowering Entrepreneurs Together

Since 1970, FMO has been a driving force behind investments empowering local entrepreneurs in emerging markets. We believe in a world in which, in 2050, more than 9 billion people live well and within the means of the planet’s resources. We invest with the aim of enhancing local prosperity in emerging markets and our role extends _beyond financing_. We help businesses innovate to operate and grow transparently in an environmentally and sociable manner. Backed by our mission to empower entrepreneurs to build a better world, we are constantly looking at _innovations_ which can add value to our clients. FMOx is an initiative of FMO, through which we aim to _scale impact_ through _peer-to-peer learning, knowledge transfer_ and _network connections_.

FMOxCELERATE is a service that provides a match between our clients and innovation specialists who work hand-in-hand with the local teams through an innovation journey for a period of three months. Through this approach, our clients are exposed to new methodologies and approaches and together, we learn how to overcome innovation challenges for the future.

FMOxCHANGE is a service that leverages on FMO’s wider network and allows you to connect with like minded peers. Through this service, we offer our clients the opportunity to connect; digitally and in person, to __share knowledge__, __best practices__ and __learn from each other’s experiences__.

Let’s accelerate